Zhu Min

In 1996, Mr. Zhu founded WebEx, Inc. As President and CTO, Mr. Zhu led WebEx to a successful IPO on NASDAQ in 2000 and to become the world's strongest provider of interactive web services and web conferencing center systems.

In 2003, Mr. Zhu became a venture partner of NEA, the largest venture capital fund in the US, and successfully invested in companies such as Spreadtrum Communications, Actions Technology, and SMIC, which were listed successfully. In March 2007, WebEx, founded by Mr. Zhu, was acquired by CISCO at a cash premium of $3.2 billion. Mr. Zhu's major honors include: 2008 Forbes Asia, 2009 China's Best Venture Capitalist; 2014 Guizhou Big Data Industry Alliance Expert; 2015 China Internet+ Most Influential Person of the Year; 2015 China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Pioneer; 2017 China's Most Influential Investor. Mr. Zhu graduated from Stanford University, USA.

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